


Five Interesting Datasets to Refine Your Location Intelligence Projects

Unlock deeper location-based insights with curated external datasets. Discover patterns, correlations, and hidden opportunities. Drive informed decision-making and maximize the potential of your analytics efforts.

Five Interesting Datasets for Location Intelligence Projects
Five Interesting Datasets for Location Intelligence Projects
Five Interesting Datasets for Location Intelligence Projects

The term "The Science of Where" used by Esri to describe their area of expertise accurately captures the essence of Location Intelligence, which focuses on describing specific locations. To achieve this, data plays a crucial role. That's why CleverMaps has recently launched its own Data Marketplace. Our users can now easily explore a wide array of available datasets, conveniently sorted by country, category, and most importantly, their potential usage. However, with such a vast selection, we believe it's worth highlighting some of the most intriguing datasets that we are proud to offer in collaboration with our valuable data partners.

When it comes to understanding a location, population demographics often take the spotlight. But here's the thing: simply counting heads around a place doesn't always tell the whole story. Why? Well, because money doesn't flow uniformly. It's been said that a mere 10% of the population owns a whopping 80% of the world's wealth! So, when you're assessing a location, there's a crucial question to ask: How financially prosperous is the region compared to the rest of the country?

That's where the purchasing power dataset comes in, showing you the exact answer. And here's the cherry on top: with tools like CleverMaps' Location Intelligence, you can combine this data with the aforementioned demography. This way, you can calculate an insightful metric that captures the amount of money available per person in the area. Brace yourself, because you might be amazed to discover that some lesser-populated areas have more total spending power than highly populated neighborhoods.

The best part? CleverMaps empowers you to analyze this data at any level of detail you desire, from statistical units to regions. 

Location Dataset in CleverMaps Studio

Sample visualization of Purchasing Power in the Czech Republic provided by GfK

2.  Consumer Segments

Demography, a term we've already mentioned, deserves another spotlight here. European countries provide various demographic data, presenting age structures from the broad preproductive, productive, and postproductive divisions to the more detailed breakdown into five-year age groups. But let's not stop at age alone. What about the economic status of these individuals? Are they students? Do they have a stable income? Do they live alone or have families? Unveiling these insights lies within a dataset called "Consumer Segments" - a fusion of demography and purchasing power data.

With this information, identifying locales with a large population of young, low-earning individuals or affluent city dwellers becomes a cakewalk. Imagine you're set to open a kindergarten - your ideal location would boast a high population-to-kindergarten ratio (no worries, we have the kindergarten data covered too). But let's take it a step further. Who needs kindergartens the most? You guessed it - young families. So, narrow down your options by targeting areas with both a high population-to-kindergarten ratio and a substantial presence of young families.

This formula works like magic for any other business too - be it a cinema or an ice cream shop. Simply choose your desired clientele, and let the search begin!

Consumer Segments Dataset in CleverMaps Studio

Sample visualization of Consumer Segments in Germany provided by MB Research

3. Transaction Data

Imagine delving into datasets that unravel the spending habits and distinctive profiles of individuals. Curious about what catches the eye of modern and pragmatic over-50s? Do they splurge on divine gastronomical experiences or save up for retirement? Unravelling these mysteries used to be an arduous task until we joined forces with the incredible powerhouse known as Mastercard.

Mastercard is not just a credit card issuer, but a treasure trove of transaction data. With their significant market share in Europe, they divulge invaluable insights into the shopping behaviour of the masses. We're talking aggregated and completely anonymous data, presented through a Quadkey grid. No absolute numbers, just indices that compare each grid cell to the country, region, or municipality as a whole. You won't believe how valuable even this kind of information can be when unveiling customer behaviour.

The magic happened when we began scrutinizing the impact of the Karlovy Vary Film Festival (KVIFF). With Mastercard's ability to provide data for any day of the year, we had the ultimate opportunity to dissect how much this captivating event truly boosts the city's economy. Brace yourself for mind-blowing revelations: Some unexpected sectors felt nothing more than a typical weekend, while others soared with a revenue increase of nearly 300%. Was it the influx of visitors? Stay tuned, as we reveal all in the next thrilling installment of this article.

Transaction Dataset in CleverMaps Studio

Visualization of transaction data from our project in Karlovy Vary

4. Human Mobility

In today's fast-paced world, capturing the essence of a location is no easy task with stale data. Let's take Prague, the vibrant capital of the Czech Republic, for instance. Officially, it has a population of around 1.3 million inhabitants based on the 2021 Census. However, in reality, more than 1.5 million people flock to Prague every day for work and play. This bustling city has become a magnet for businesses looking to tap into its thriving workforce and maximize their potential. But here's the real question: Can we truly grasp the intricate movements and hidden gems within Prague? And are they consistent throughout the day?

Fortunately, we can! Thanks to data from Telco providers, we can unlock the secrets of this dynamic city. Given the challenges posed by GDPR policies in Europe, mobile app data has become vital in analyzing travel patterns within urban areas. Through partnerships with multiple providers across Europe, we offer our customers invaluable insights into people's movements. We can analyze user attributes like age, gender, and origin. Moreover, we can aggregate data in as little as 30-minute time windows, providing precise information about population flows.

Now, let's circle back to our analysis of the Karlovy Vary Film Festival. By combining Mastercard data with Telco data, we uncovered fascinating insights about the number of attendees and their origins. Interestingly, the locations with the highest transactional growth didn't necessarily correspond to those with the most foot traffic. Perhaps it's a testament to the engrossing power of cinema; after all, it's challenging to spend money while being captivated by a movie. But all jokes aside, whether you're calculating the reach of an out-of-home advertisement or optimizing the opening hours of a new branch, human mobility data is an absolute game-changer. It illuminates the city's intricate flows and simplifies the understanding of its vibrant pulse.

Human Mobility Dataset in CleverMaps Studio

Locations with high mobility of people and low transaction amount index in Karlovy Vary

5. Traffic Data

So, after talking about human mobility, you might be thinking, "Alright, but most people drive to work these days. How can we analyze their behavior?" Well, you're partly right. Let's take the example of out-of-home advertising: billboards strategically placed next to roads, catching the attention of all those folks passing by in their cars. And guess what? When it comes to measuring the impact of a campaign, traffic mobility can be even more crucial than human mobility.

Here's another interesting use case: a municipality dealing with tourist crowds during the summer months. They wanted to analyze the number of tourists, and since most of them travel by car, analyzing car traffic was the obvious choice to assess the area's load.

When it comes to tracking car mobility, there are several data sources available. In Europe, many countries conduct regular traffic censuses to analyze the flow of vehicles. Furthermore, some larger cities like Prague conduct their own traffic analysis because the data provided by the state might not be detailed enough to meet their needs. Whenever possible, we combine multiple resources to offer our customers highly detailed car traffic data with extensive coverage. This gives you the flexibility to choose specific timeframes and road segments for your analysis. So, if you want to compare traffic on two streets, we provide that analysis without the need to purchase nationwide data.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or specific analysis requirements!

Traffic Dataset visualized in CleverMaps Studio

Sample visualization of Traffic density in Prague in CleverMaps Studio

And much more...

Sure, we've mentioned some datasets above, but hold on tight because that's just the tip of the iceberg! 

Imagine this: combining all these datasets onto a map, unlocking endless possibilities for Location Intelligence. The choice is yours, and we're here to guide you in selecting the perfect data for your business needs.

Ready to dive in? Visit our Data Marketplace or explore our website's Use Cases section to find the data that speaks to you. And when you're all set to kickstart your project, check out our documentation for seamless deployment.Let's turn your data into valuable insights!

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